Home » Swann Surveillance » Swann H.264 8 Channel DVR w/ 500 GB Hard Drive & Remote Internet Viewing SWA42-D3

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"This Best Selling Swann H.264 8 Channel DVR w/ 500 GB Hard Drive & Remote Internet Viewing SWA42-D3 Tends to SELL OUT VERY FAST! If this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure to Order Now at Amazon.com to avoid disappointment!"

Swann H.264 8 Channel DVR w/ 500 GB Hard Drive & Remote Internet Viewing SWA42-D3

Swann H.264 8 Channel DVR w/ 500 GB Hard Drive & Remote Internet Viewing SWA42-D3

Swann H.264 8 Channel DVR w/ 500 GB Hard Drive & Remote Internet Viewing SWA42-D3. pbfont size=”5″ face=”Arial Rounded MT Bold” color=”#003366″SWA42-D3/fontspan class=”title_all”font size=”5″H.264 8 Channel DVR with 500 GB Hard Drive with Internet Viewing/font/span/bbrbrfont color=”#003366″biMonitoring & Recording you can Afford./i/b/font/p As any homeowner, business proprietor or parent will tell you, you always have to keep you an eye out for the unexpected. Unfortunately, with so many dangers and pitfalls in the world today, theres no shortage of new and inventive ways for criminals to take advantage of your situation. The problem is that even the most vigilant efforts will fail is theres one crack in your armor. Now you truly can be in all places at all times. With the D03 DVR Security Recorder with Internet Viewing from Swann’s Alpha Series, you can input up to 8 security cameras at once for one of the most comprehensive security systems available today. The D03 also gives you the

List Price: $ 549.99


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